This weekend, the out-of-print blouse pattern came in the mail and I had the notion of making up a blouse for spring. And with being in a mood to sew something with that fabric, the two came together!
What can I say? The vintage rick-rack adds just what this fabric needs, the fit is perfect (no alterations except shortening it a little) and I have found a favorite blouse pattern! =)
Lovely, I admire your skills in tailoring. I have not progressed to your level yet; but once I do I hope to make all of my own clothing, and maybe my Husbands too. He's so tall it's hard for him to find afordable clothing.
What a cute top! I agree, it is much better as a blouse than a dress. Are you participating in the WIFD on your blog this time around? If you are, I'd love to add a link to your blog to my master list of people participating.
I love it!!!
That is such a beautiful and feminine blouse. I love it! However, I have to add that I simply LOVE the dress also! Would you know where I could find a pattern for it? It is exactly the type of dress I want to wear for everyday use around the house.
Btw, I hope it's ok with you that I've added your link to my blog. Yours is such a lovely blog!
what a LOVELY blouse!! Can I buy it?? Just kidding, I know you couldn't part with it. But I love the fabric, and the trim on it just makes it so adorable. Great Job!!!
Cheri you are just lovely!!! you are cracking the camera!!! =)Sorry i have not visted your blog!!!
Very nice! I love the fabric and rick-rack. That's a great makeover -- way to use something you already have. :-)
Mrs. Kaos,
Thankyou, although I didn't really tailor much since I just used the skirts of the dress to cut out my blouse. =) Keeping going! Sewing gets easier as you do it!
Mrs. R,
Thanks for the compliments! Yes, I'll be participating in WIFD this week and you're more than welcome to link to me.
Sarah M,
Thankyou. =) There is nothing like adding a splash of color into ones wardwobe!
Thanks! I mentioned a source of wear you could find a dress like the one I was wearing, on the S&S board. =)
Lady Ruth Ann,
Sorry, but it isn't for sale! =D I found my pattern off of ebay for a good price, if you like to sew.
Thanks, sister. But you really are to generous with your compliments!
Thankyou! I know I'd already wanted to go through my wardwobe to see if there was something I could "re-vamp." =)
oh well, too bad it's not for sale. (*grin*) But I love to sew (if only there were more...I've been trying to get to the sewing room in months, and hopefully am almost there!), so at least I have the consolation that sewing is a possiblity, and that you gave the pattern number. The rick-rack trim just adds such a cute touch!
Oh!! I've sewn rick-rack on before, and it tends to curl up after time. Is this just going to be expected to happen, or is there a fix for it? Is there a certain stitch you are supposed to stitch it on with??
Well, thanks for the inspiration!! Now I best run along so I can get to the sewing roome eventually!!!
Cheri, I'm so glad you found this blouse pattern (and that it worked for you). It never fails to amaze me how ridiculous the pattern cover looks, and how nice the blouse actually turns out! It's just lovely, and the vintage ric-rac trim is perfect.
Yours in Christ,
I love it! The colors are beautiful! I will have to keep an eye out for dresses like such to make into blouses... ;-)
You are an inspiring young lady! I am nearing 40 years old and have only begun learning to sew. I have such a desire with only myself to teach ME. I am going to link to your blog as I believe my 13yo daughter would enjoy the reading. Lord's blessing upon you!
~ Lori ~
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