Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Seamstress Has Returned

Many thanks to those of you who kept me in your prayers over the last few weeks. God provided all I that I needed, plus some. Our 2nd orchestra concert went well (we have heard rumors that it was one of the best in recent years), violin juries and the following recital went well (apparently my vibrato sounds gorgeous when I'm nervous, or so said my teacher), and finals were stressful, but went well with good class grades (the highest being a 99.42 in Biology Lab!).
I pulled into home-sweet-home shortly before supper last night.
As you can see, this afternoon I already dusted off the sewing machine. I cut this apron out when I was home for Thanksgiving, but had no time to sew it. Since it is Christmas-y in nature, I made sure it was the first to be sewn before any others. Like it?

Looking into my bin of stashed fabric, there are no cottons in there so it looks like I'll have to go peruse the local shops if I'm to stock up before the next semester! I'm open to suggestions or requests if you have something in mind.

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