Friday, November 08, 2013

Pattern Collection: Vintage

Dating from 1969 and earlier, these are the vintage patterns I've collected. The thrift stores, antique stores, etsy, and ebay are my favorite places to find these well-loved patterns.

First off is my children's collection. This too has shrunk. I've either sold some or given some away for the same reasons I gave in my previous post. :)

The top left one is my "newest" find at an "uppity up" antique store in town and it was marked for 50 cents.  It has no date, but I'm thinking late 20s or early 30s. And look at those bathrobes! It's definitely from the 30s, and looks simple to put together. The style reminds me of wrappers worn by the Walton children on the TV series, "The Waltons."
The bottom two are from the 60s. The Holly Hobbie pattern interested me with it's sweet sunbonnet and apron. Staples in a young girls dress-up box! And lastly, I picked up this wild and crazy pattern not for the toys (though I'm sure making toys could be/would be safer than some they make now days) but for the apron shown in the lower left corner. A few made in this pattern have made their way into the shop a couple years ago.
This next set is a fun one. The top row consists of a 40s skirt pattern I picked up last year at a sewing boutique shop, and have since wanted to make a skirt out of it. I almost used my wool fabric in this pattern. The 2nd in the top row was my very first vintage pattern purchase. I remember when my Dad bid on ebay for me when I was still working on my adult sewing skills (I learned sewing on doll clothes). I made the short sleeve version in a red plaid, and we have pictures of me wearing it somewhere, but can't seem to find it. The 50s nightgown pattern was one I picked up for my sister who loves to sew nightgowns as much as I love to sew aprons, but it didn't interest her. I may end up selling this one.
And then of course there are two 40s apron patterns. I've used both and they've made their appearance in my etsy shop as well, though it's been awhile. And then a 70s apron pattern, which I suppose could be put in with my modern collection, but oh well. This pattern is also a fun one, and one that I've used for aprons in the shop before, as well as for myself. If you've been a reader for a good 6 years or more, you may remember this post?
And finally we have my oldest patterns, both in the early 1900s. The bloomers I'm guessing would be around 1900 (possibly 1899? I should check the pattern) and the shirtwaist I'm guessing around 1912 by judging her hair style.

I know I've made the bloomers before (maybe sold a pair on ebay?) and I'm pretty certain I've made the shirtwaist, too, to sell. Following is a close up picture that I attempted to take for details since the above one features a nasty glare.

With sorting through all my patterns, I'm starting to get the bug to get back to sewing again, but alas, my sewing machine was starting to give up the ghost and is now enroute to the shop for repair and won't see it for a good two weeks. As my dad says, I've done more sewing on that machine in the last 15 years than what many people do in their lifetime. ;)


~ Shannon said...


More fun patterns! I also have both of the 60's patterns (the pinafore/sunbonnet and the enormous collection of toys and what-not -- there's actually a record tote pattern! And a skate bag. I have a hard time imagining today's youth traipsing around with such accessories!). There's a sweet little bonnet pictured on the back of the "toy" pattern, which I'm hoping to make up for Rosa. I almost got rid of this pattern, but the bonnet and the little apron convinced me to keep it.

I LOVE the 20's/30's children's pattern! What a sweet little dress! And such a bargain, too -- win-win!


Cheri said...


You have my curiosity up to pull out that pattern and take a look at what all is inside.

A record tote pattern? Imagine that! Oddly enough, I remember my dad playing records when I was a little girl. (Should I be feeling old?) We still have our record player, though it sits unused inside our entertainment center...