Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The other day I received an e-mail from a well-known Christian, homeschooling magazine offering ad space in their magazine for a certain amount with a 5% discount, but even with that, it would cost over $100. At this point, we wouldn't be able to afford advertising in it, now that Erin and I are no longer working part-time outside of the home.
We are actually rejoicing that we aren't working outside of them home anymore, =) and home to devote more time to our sewing business, and Lord willing, we hope to expand it a little bit. Any ideas? =)
Anyway, the point of this entry: do any of you know of any Christian magazines that would offer advertising for a little bit cheaper that $100? =) Other than a few websites, our main souce of getting word out is by "word of mouth."
Just recently, a business asked if we had any fliers to send them, so that they could include them in their packages, so we are now making those if any of you would like them! Just write and ask, and we'll send them out to you for free!


Crystal Paine said...

Cheri, I saw this and meant to comment earlier - have you looked into advertising with Unless the Lord? It's $25/issue and I got pretty good response when I did it. They have a small readership (only around 1200, I think) but very conservative and modesty is definitely something they highly promote.

Cheri said...

No, I haven't! That magazine name sounds familiar, so I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the idea! =)

Cheri said...

Why thankyou, so much for letting me know! I will definately look into it!