Monday, September 21, 2009

One Day Early

Tomorrow is supposedly the first day of autumn, but I'm inclined to think that it came one day early in our neck of the woods.

After donning my cable sweater, I though it fitting to adventure out into the field where there are thousands of wild asters. I've never seen them bloom before (must have been from all the rain and cooler weather we've had this year).
I picked a little cluster of them, making sure to not pick up the roots with it. After all, I'd like to see more of these next year.
I put them in a little silver vase and added a black-eyed susan for good measure.

They add such a bright spot by our kitchen window. Well, I'm off to fix a pot of tea and enjoy an apple-nut muffin before I head out to the Post Office to mail off all of those totes. A happy day-before-fall to you all!
PS. I do so love my new corduroy skirt! Being a fan of sweaters, I didn't really have the need for a jacket, and I did need another skirt for the cooler months.
PPS. Just so everyone knows, there is a new Gracie apron up in the shop today!


Laura said...

Lovely! Asters and goldenrod make me think of September. Your corduroy skirt and cabled sweater put me in the mood for fall, too. We are having a strange day here -- overcast, cloudy, and rainy, but WARM! (At least to this pregnant lady.) :-)

Caroline said...

I love your skirt! Such a lovely color!

Sarah said...

How beautiful! I love your pictures, so very fall-ish. We are getting rain, rain, rain and drizzly gray skies. Seeing your photos lifts my spirits.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful! It's been raining for days over here where we are. Yesterday, we snapped some pics of the raging rivers and waterfalls on the mountain. Hope you have a wonderfully happy Autumn day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheri,
Love your skirt. Wish you posted a full view of it. I bought floral corduroy material and want to sew a skirt out of it. Can you tell me which pattern you used for yours? I nees something new, for i'am tired of all my skirt patterns
You sew so beautifully!!
Love Irene

Anonymous said...

Oh how lovely! The flowers are so beautiful! And PS I love your new skirt! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that it is finally officially fall! Oooh, that skirt is very pretty!