Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Still Moments

This afternoon I sat out in my backyard garden for a long time. Not much was said, or could be said.

My mind was spinning. My heart was full.

Ever been there? I've had a lot of those "been there" moments lately.

In that quiet hour, I was able to see and hear things that probably would have gone unnoticed if I had not taken the time to sit still.

A young bird flutters its wings anxiously for food. My cat's heart fluttered, too. Late afternoon crickets call out to each other. Neither got what they wanted.

They weren't still enough.

In these moments, God quieted me.

"Lord, all my desire is before thee." Ps. 38:9

"Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." Ps. 37:5  

"Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established." Prov. 16:3


Sarah said...

Thank you for sharing such a beautifully inspiring post.


Naomi T. said...

This is a good reminder. I've been here lately as well. It is good to be quiet. Sometimes our lives are so busy and full that we forget what is truly important. :) We have a wonderful God... he is more than we could ever even imagine and yet, he takes the time to remind us about the important things. :) :)

Emily said...

Thank you for the wonderful reminder! I have been feeling the need to be still and know that HE is God, and today I had to (again) give Him all of my ambitions. :)