Sunday, November 25, 2012

Autumnal Joys

It was such a treat to be able to fly home for Thanksgiving Break and spent the week with my family.
These are a few testimonials of my visit...
Three pumpkins greet guests as they come up the front step

By the back step wild fruit or berry of some kind can been seen that the birds love this time of year

I was surprised to still see the Johnny-Jump-Ups bravely blooming in the brisk late November weather. There must be a deep layer of leaves to protect them!

My sisters and I (minus one) on Thanksgiving Day. I think the only time I took my apron off was for the dinner. ;)

Sparkling Cider in my inherited glasses from Grandma. It (the cider) was a perfect addition to homemade pumpkin pie and chocolate pie.

My very tall brother (who also flew in for Thanksgiving) and I.

Now back in the south with just a little over two weeks of the fall semester, I cannot guarantee that you'll hear much from me. I would covet your prayers for physical, mental, and emotional stamina! :)

Anticipating Christmas break already, I've pulled out some of my favorite Christmas music. Can anyone recommend their favorite CD (preferably traditional or classic Christmas music of orchestral, symphonic, and/or choral? That is, nothing wild and crazy)?


Laura said...

Oh boy! I started listening to my Christmas CDs today, too. I'd like to be proud of my self-control, but the truth is they were in storage until this morning. :-P
My top three favorite Christmas CDs are:

"Carols from Trinity" by the choir of Trinity College, Cambridge (directed by Richard Marlow)
"Sounds of the Season" by Maggie Sansone
"A Carol Symphony" featuring works by Victor Hely-Hutchinson, et. al.

All of these CDs are available on Amazon. The first is choral, the second is hammered dulcimer, the third is orchestral.

Sarah said...

Beautiful photos! How neat to see a Johny-Jump-Up this time of year.


MrsSM said...

I love Handel's Messiah which I could listen to at any time of year, but make a point to listen to it multiple times this time of year!
