Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Loveliest Old Spot on the North Shore

In just a few days I will be departing with my family to our favorite vacation spot which I've deemed "the loveliest old spot on the north shore." It is not Green Gables or Canada, but if you've been a blog reader for the last 4 to 5 years you may know where I'm talking about. (Yes, it has been four years since I've been on a vacation!)

I cannot promise any blog posts while I'm away, after all I'll be reading on lake shores, shopping in cute little shops, admiring the lilacs and flower gardens, and sampling fudge. There, that is a hint! ;) The shop will be closing this afternoon for the duration of a fortnight, and will reopen when I return.


Laura said...

My parents just got back from Mackinac Island! I hope you enjoy your vacation. Sounds very restful. :)

Cheri said...

Thanks, Laura. I'm hopeful that it will be restful. :)

Did your parents enjoy it up there? I know sometimes the weather can still be chilly at times.