Friday, July 24, 2015


It's hard to believe how fast the summer has been flying by. Part of the reason for the rate of speed at which it feels is most likely largely due to working so much. Tomorrow will close out my work week at nearly 50 hours of work. Though I'm around a constant supply of caffeine, my days mainly consist of sleep and being a barista. If there is any spare time it's usually squeezing in violin lessons between work and naps, or spending a few moments in my gardens. Oh the quiet and much-need havens they've become this summer!

With working so much I haven't been in the sewing room as much as I had originally planned for the summer, but that's okay. I think I should be able to eventually finish the 1930s frock I started, sew up another 1940s Gracie apron, and sew some Tasha Tudor styled-aprons before I head back for school in a few weeks.

If you only follow my blog and not my etsy shop, I'll make a quick note to mention that I eventually found time to list the rest of my historical stash online. The 1914 white dress is in my etsy shop here and then my Edwardian shoes had to be listed on ebay.

Enjoy the rest of your July!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Monday, July 06, 2015

Goodies in the Shop!

It was time to sort through some things that have been just sitting or hanging around. The result was that I added some of my vintage-inspired clothing and some vintage patterns up in my shop tonight.

Take a look!