Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Summer's Bounty

One thing for certain: I've been enjoying summer's bounty these last few days at home. There is a huge patch of sweet peas nearby that are in several delicious shades of pinks and purples.

Some kind of flowering bush that makes its flora known only in August.Shasta daisies blooming in the front flower bed.

Johnny-Jump-Ups are growing in places that I never sowed seed.

Garden Peas are in abundance!
My basil has turned into a bush, and this is after I made pesto enough for a family of nine!
Tomatoes are ripening in the garden. This is from the Black Krim heirloom plant.
My raspberries are finally growing, but sadly will be ripe when I'm off in college.
For one last plug: today is the last day to receive free shipping in my shops! If you missed the announcement, go here for details!

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